You are fearfully and wonderfully made. There is no reason to compare yourself to others especially when you are following your family values.
I’m sure most of us can agree that when we have compared ourself to someone else that our joy went right out the window. For me that has happened many times. I feel I’m not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough… and the list can go on and on.
A few nights ago I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep because my mind just kept comparing myself to someone else. It was an awful feeling and I finally talked myself out of it by praying and remembering what I’ve been learning about comparison lately. I want to share that with you today so hopefully it can help you and your families.
First off, God made you.
In Psalm 139:14 we are told that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. God made YOU fearfully and wonderfully! If God wanted two of the exact same people He would have done that but He created us and our beautiful uniqueness! He made you for a purpose and also He made your children for a purpose!
Second, everyone is so different!
Whether we’re talking about ourselves or our children we are each unique and have different values. No two 8 years olds are the same just like no two mothers are the same. There is no reason to try to fit into the box of someone else just because you think they are better, prettier, etc.. Live as God made you to be not as you think you should be!
Third, values.
We each have our own values and things that are important to us and our family. When we see someone else doing something and start comparing ourselves by saying “They do that and I don’t, they are so much better than me.” What we really need to do in the moment is stop and think about what our values are. Are they really better than us or do they just have different values and therefore go about their life differently. And then we need to re-examine our own values. If what that person is doing lines up with our values and it’s what we want for our family then we need to change what we have been doing and make it happen.
There is no need to compare when we think about what we want our family life to look like and we start on the path towards it.
So how can we apply this to our homeschool journey? Remember your child is unique! They are wonderfully made no matter the struggle they endure. Then remember your family values, what your family believes is important to learn and when. If you believe your child should be reading then you need to follow the steps to make it happen.
BUT! In doing that you also need to remember your child may not pick it up as fast as someone else and thats okay. That is where we remember that our child is unique, wonderfully made and on their own journey. As long as you are taking step towards a goal and following your values then you are doing great!
Whether or not our values line up with others we always need to remember that our path is different. Our lives will never be a mirror copy of someone else’s. If we remind ourselves that we are wonderfully made by the Lord and focus on our family’s values then we can lean into who we are and what we are doing, and find confidence in it.
As you go about your homeschool journey, and life in general, I hope you can find peace in who God made you to be. I hope you remember your values and lean into them and live according to them and not someone else’s. God made you YOU for a reason.
Like Theodore Roosevelt said: “Comparison is the thief of joy.”
Don’t let your joy be stolen any longer by comparing yourself, or your children, to others.
Live freely!
With Love,